Персональний сайт Людмили Чекаленко

Foreign policy of Ukraine
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ДУ "Інститут всесвітньої історії НАН України"

КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка

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Вітаю Вас, Гість · RSS 27.07.2024, 06:37

Foreign policy of Ukraine Chekalenko L.D. Foreign policy of Ukraine. Ed. by Tsivatyi V.G. – K: LAT&K, 2016. – 294 p., 8 p. pic.

Editor in Chief: Vyacheslav Tsivatyi, Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Editors: Mykhaylo Kirsenko, Doctor of Historic Sciences, Professor, Iryna Pohorska, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Andriy Kudryachenko, Doctor of Historic Sciences, Professor. Line editor, Eng.: Mariia Vasylieva, PhD. 

ISBN 978-617-7061-13-6

Copyright © Lyudmyla D. Chekalenko, 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform or by any means without prior written permission of the author. Ukrainian Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Chekalenko L.D. Foreign policy of Ukraine. Ed. by Tsivatyi V.G. – K: LAT&K, 2016. – 294 p., 8 p. pic.

Acknowledgments 5




Part I. Origins of the foreign policy of Ukraine

1.1. Origins of the Ukrainian state 9
1.2. Kyievan Rus and the world 15
1.3. Foreign policy of Halych-Volyn State 30
1.4. Diplomacy of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi 33

1.5. Foreign policy of Ukrainian hetmans in the 17th–18th centuries

1.6. Foreign policy of the Ukrainian People’s Republic 57

1.7. Role of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in the foreign policy of the Soviet Union

1.8. Process of reunification of Ukrainian lands 70
1.9. Ukrainian Soviet Republic in the United Nations 73

Part II. Formation of the independent foreign policy of Ukraine


2.1. Foundations and principles of the foreign policy of Ukraine

2.2. Process of formation of the foreign policy of Ukraine 82
2.3. Functions of the foreign policy of Ukraine 90

Part III. Modern foreign policy challenges

3.1. Territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders 94
3.2. International guarantees of the non-nuclear status 106

3.3. Appropriation of Ukrainian cultural, historic and material heritage by Russia

3.4. Protection of Ukrainian citizens abroad 118

3.5. Formation of the positive international image of Ukraine


Part IV. Bilateral relations of Ukraine

4.1. Relations with the neighboring EU states 123
4.2. Leading world powers in the Ukrainian policy 139

4.3. Russia and “new independent states” in the Ukrainian foreign policy


4.4. Cooperation with the countries of Latin America, Asian-Pacific region and Africa


Part V. Ukraine in international organizations

5.1. Universal international organizations 221
5.2. Regional, transregional and subregional organizations 242

5.3. Ukrainian initiatives: GUAM

5.4. Cooperation with other international organizations 268
Conclusion 287
Bibliography 289





Чекаленко Людмила Дмитрівна. Зовнішня політика України: монографія /Л. Д. Чекаленко/ За науковою концепцією проф. Л. Д. Чекаленко / Відповідальний редактор В. о. Ректора Дипломатичної академії України при Міністерстві закордонних справ України В. Г. Ціватий / англ. /. – Київ, Україна: «LAT&K», 2016. – 294 с., 8 с.іл.

Р е ц е н з е н т и: д. іст. наук, проф. Михайло В. Кірсенко,

                                д.політ. наук, проф. Ірина І. Погорська,

                                д. іст. наук, проф. Андрій І. Кудряченко

            У монографії автор розкриває проблематику зовнішньої політики України від найдавніших часів до сьогодення. Висвітлюючи історичні етапи становлення української державності, аналізує витоки, принципи і результати зовнішньої політики України, що спирається на засади міжнародного права. Характеризує дво- і багатостороннє співробітництво, окреслює перспективи посування України шляхом європейської інтеграції.

            Для викладачів, студентів, аспірантів, політиків, всіх, хто прагне опанувати досвідом минулого, щоби будувати Україну – спроможну стати рівною серед рівних, провідних країн Європи і світу.

            Розповсюдження та тиражування без офіційного дозволу

видавництва заборонено

ISBN 978-617-7061-13-6 © Л. Д. Чекаленко, 2016

For the future of Ukraine

For my children


The author hereby expresses her sincere gratitude to all the people who assisted with the publication of this book and hopes it will contribute to the further development of Ukrainian foreign policy and diplomacy, which establishes Ukraine’s present and determines its future.

“I would like to thank my family, friends and colleagues for all their support. My special thanks for the idea and support of this publication are owed to the person who has always been deeply concerned about the matters of Ukraine – to the well-known economist, great individual and true patriot of Ukraine Mr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn”.          

Lyudmyla D. Chekalenko


Ukraine has won its European identity through its heroic actions, history and individuals. The European identity of Ukraine opens doors to the future – a wide range of possibilities for economic development, social and intellectual progress, as well as the strengthening of our positions in the system of international coordinates. European integration, as chosen by Ukraine, is viewed as a key priority of our foreign policy and our strategic goals.

The policies of modern Ukraine are based on the principles of international law, human rights protection, as well as European values of dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, law and solidarity.

The aspiration of Ukraine to be fully integrated into European institutions, as stated in a number of Ukrainian government documents, is construed as a practical support for a stable and unified Europe. It is a strategic task for the Ukrainian state to actively participate in the process of the formation of a European economic and political space, a space of freedom, security and justice.

Professor Lyudmyla D. Chekalenko introduces the readers to her vision of the turbulent events of the history and modern developments of Ukraine, as well as directs their attention to the challenges for Ukrainian security that call forth the European choice of Ukraine.

I have no doubt that this book will be of benefit to all people who care about our future, true patriots of Ukraine, and all those who strive to build the Ukrainian state in order for it to be worthy of its history and its European future.

Bohdan Hawrylyshyn,

Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, economic advisor to the Ukrainian government, full

member of the Club of Rome, long-time director of Switzerland’s International Management Institute


Copyright Artur Boiko © 2024
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