Світові інтеграційні процеси в умовах трансформації міжнародних систем: навчальний посібник / За концепцією та наук. ред. Л.Д. Чекаленко /. – К.: Дипломатична академія України при МЗС України, 2013. – 628 с., 24 іл.
У навчальному посібнику розкриваються теоретичні засади світових інтеграційних процесів сучасності, розглядаються історичні передумови і витоки інтеграції, аналізуються різноманітні і різнопланові об’єднавчі процеси, дається поглиблена порівняльна характеристика інтеграційним об’єднанням в географічних регіонах світу: Європейського, Американського, Азіатського і Африканського континентів. Особливу увагу автори, спираючись на широке коло документів, причетних інтеграційному досвіду інших цивілізацій, приділили географічним, політичним, дипломатичним і економічним факторам європейських устремлінь України.
WORLD INTEGRATION PROCESSES UNDER THE TRANSFORMATION OF INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS: Manual for Students of Higher Educational Institutions / Scientific concept and editing by Professor Lyudmyla D. Chekalenko / Еxecutive editor Professor Natalja O. Tatarenko. – К.: Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, 2013. – 628 p.
The manual highlights theoretical fundamentals of contemporary global integration processes; considers historical preconditions and origins of integration; analyses various multi-faceted integration processes; provides a profound comparative description of integration formations on different continents: Europe, America, Asia, and Africa. Resting upon a wide range of instruments related to the integration experience of other civilizations, the authors pay a particular attention to geographical, political, diplomatic and economic factors of the European aspirations of Ukraine.
Integration processes that have encompassed the whole world are formed and determined the foreign policy of the states and of transition countries such as Ukraine, in particular.
Involvement in modern integration processes would be impossible without a thorough study of this phenomenon in other world regions and adaption of their experience to national conditions.
European focus of Ukraine opens up broad prospects for economic development, social and intellectual progress, strengthening of the international position of the state and for cooperation with the developed countries of the continent. European advancement of Ukraine is legally defined as a key foreign policy priority and the strategic goal of the country.
The policy of modern Ukraine as a sovereign European state is based on generally accepted democratic principles of international law, protection of human rights, society and state, as well as on European values. Therefore, Ukraine shall take advantage of the experience of integration gained around the globe. Ukraine's aspirations for full-scale integration into European structures specified in a number of government instruments are seen as practical support for united and stable Europe. Порядок слов? Participation in the formation of European economic, political, legal and security space is a strategic objective of the Ukrainian state.
The objective of the manual is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of the origins of integration, development of global integration processes, the European character of the Ukrainian statehood and its euro-integration specifics.
The source base of the manual comprises a wide range of instruments relating to the formation and deepening of integration processes in the world and, in particular, the European contribution into the establishment and development of Ukrainian statehood. Proceeding from the integration experience of other regions of the world the authors have presented a profound overview of civilisational, geographical, political, diplomatic and economic factors of Ukraine's European aspirations; proved the inevitability of its joining, as a fully-fledged member, the European political and economic space. The manual highlights the challenges facing Ukraine and determining the necessity of its European choice.
ISBN 978-617-7037-02-5